Saturday, November 9, 2019
Psychological and Psychoanalytical Essay
Psychology is the study of mental utilities and behaviours, in this field one is entitled to study the way in which people think, their personality, emotions and how they relate with each other while at various places such as at the workplaces. None the less, it also encompasses the way in which tend to perform their activities that they have been assigned to do. Through this knowledge of psychology, researchers have been able to come up with the psychoanalysis which tends to be able to learn the individual psychological operation and behaviour (Huczynski, & Buchanan, 2007, pp 303). In doing this, they have come up with three applications that have enabled them to achieve it. These includes; the technique used in the examination of the mind, the systematized group of theories concerning individual behaviour and the technique of treatment of emotional sickness. The paper will assess the ways in which the psychoanalytic concepts can influence the behaviours in a given organisation. In order to achieve this goal, the paper will tend to base its assessment on the theories that are in use to day and how the affect the behaviours of the employees at the workplaces. 2. 0 LITERATURE REVIEW As viewed before in the introduction, the psychology of oneself have a great influence on the way in which one can perform in an organisation and relate to the rest of the people. In regard to this, the paper will have the psychoanalytical perspectives on the effects that one psychology can affect the organization. To ensure that these are attained at the end of the paper, it will be spilt into different sections that each will deal with the theories that exists in today world concerning the psychology of people and how each of the theories tend to affect the organisation both positively and negatively, this will help us understand the core psychoanalytic concepts that exists in organisations. In doing these, the paper will have looked at the psychological and psychoanalytical perspectives on organisations helping us to understand the behaviour of people in organisations. 2. 1 PSYCHOANALYTIC CONCEPTS These are the major concerns of an individual in relation to the way in which they relate to each other at the workplace in various organisations. In dealing with this, the paper will concentrate more on the ways in which the theories has had influence in the people’s performances and relations in organisation. Therefore, the paper will focus on the major concepts and how they are connected to the behaviour at organisations. 2. 1. 1 UNCONSCIOUS CONCEPT This is the central concept that deals with the thinking ability of an individual when he or she is not aware about it. In many cases, it takes place in dreams. As per the theories about the psychology this is well explained in the topographic theory, in which deals with the way in which one can be able to interpret the dream that he or she had while asleep. In organisations, this has had in most cases, positive effect. This is because, while at rest, one can be able to think on the ways in which they can be able to improve the performance of the organisation, and with proper interpretation and implementation of the dream into practice, the organisation ends up getting the best result in the long run. None the less, this concept depends mostly on what the individual goes through at the moment. When it comes at the time at which the individual is under difficulties, it can lead to improper interpretation the dream. This is because, dreams are never new ideas of the mind but the reviews of what have been happening in ones life and how the mind perceives the idea to be. So in time of hardship one can be tempted to dream about the impossibilities of the organisations program in progress. In another perspective, the concept has been viewed in relation to the structural theory that exists in organisations. In structural theory, the mind has been divided into three section, these are the id, the personality and the superego. With these the drive that drives one to dream depends largely on the id and personality of an individual. In the organisations, there are people who have been known to dictate on the ways in which the organisation has to be run. This has been as regard to the superego that the other people have given the individual. In some of the organisations, this has led to poor decision making as no other person is allowed to intervene in the time of decision making for the organisation. The concept has also been seen to be the drive of the people to do some of the actions at organisations. The drive to the action can be conscious or unconscious, and because of this, one may find one performing something out of his knowledge that he is really doing the wrong or the right thing at the organisation (Luborsky, & Barrett, 2005). In the organisation, it has been a challenge to the employers or the supervisors to maintain the memory of the employees at the workplace. It has been to this concept too that some of the employees do wrong things but are not guilty about the incidents, it is because the action may have taken place when the employee was out of his mind and thus can not be able to really visualise that he or she has done some thing wrong at the organisation. In organisations, the concept occurs easily among the newly recruited employees of who have not been familiarised with the ways in which the organisation operations are done. In this, they tend to do them basing on the knowledge that they have basing on their educational background. In the process, one may perform a mistake in which they he or she may not be aware about and thus refraining him from apologising to the supervisor. 2. 1. 2 RESISTANCE CONCEPT This is the process in which the unconscious essentials are effectively kept away from the conscious awareness using an active oppressive force. This is when the organisation tries to eliminate the unknown mistakes preformed by their employee from the organisation. To achieve this, most of organisations organises fro the training and learning for their employees. This provides the employees with the ideas that they need to have while performing any task at the organisation. This psychoanalytic concept also enables the employees at the organisation to be able to be familiarised with the procedures that are required at the organisation for any action to be undertaken. With this, it gives the people at the organisation the actual picture of the organisation enabling them to know all that are required from them to attain the goal of the organisation. As much as the concept gives the organisation employee the knowledge to perform their task well, it also has some of the weakness in it. With the knowledge about the organisation system, the employees under the same rank can decide to unite and rebel to the managing group of the organisation concerning the way they are being treated at the organisation. It has been to this concept that most of the workers tend to rebel to the managers or unite with the managers of the organisation. None the less, the concept also has some of the advantages or rather strengths to organisations if well looked upon. In time when the employees do not perform to their best, it may be due to the treatments that they are getting from the organisation leaders and thus, the organisation has to try their best to ensure that the employees are motivated to perform to their level best. Motivation at work has been proven to influence the behavioural aspects of the employees at any work place. In the organisation that have good motivation systems, tend to incite the employees to work even more to achieved their personal goal and in the long run the organisation goal. This has been seen to encourage the workers more and more. Once there is the introduction of motivation to the well performed employee in the organisation all the employees strives had to attain their goal at given time, they tend to reduce the level of time wasting at the organisation and concentrate to their work more at the organisation. This improves the productivity of the organisation as a whole. 2. 1. 3 TRANSFERENCE CONCEPT This concept deals with the way in which one relates to the other individuals at the organisation in regard to the way he or she has been relating to other people outside the organisation (Gabriel, Hirschhorn, & Allcorn, 1996, pp 247). In any of the organisation, there exists diversity of people in which people from different cultures meet for the purpose of fulfilling the objective of the organisation. As we know, different cultures tend to have different ways in which they perform their duties and the way they relate to one another in the society. Thus, while at the organisation, these individuals have to brought up together to enable them fulfil the organisation objective. In doing this, the way in which one relates to the other person not only depends upon the culture from which he or she is from but also from the mentality of an individual. It is of this reason that the object relations theory in relation to the psychoanalysis exists in the organisation. The theory tends to expound on the ways in which the internal representations of self and that of other people can affect the relationship among people at the organisation. This deals mostly with the personality of an individual of which tend to affect the way in which one relates with others at the organisation (Arnold, Silvester, Cooper, & Robertson, 2005). For instance an individual who have been brought up in harsh condition through out her life time will by no reason appreciate the tenderness of other people at the organisation. It is with this effect that we find some of the difficult people to handle at the organisation. It is not by their wish to be that way but the way they have been used to back from their childhood and now difficult to change. To add on that, there is the self psychology theory and the ego psychology theory which tend to concentrate on the way in which an individual perceived other people to be at the organisation, the way they rate their friends and the way in which they relate with them in totality (Miner, 2005, pp 76). Over the years, it has been seen in organisations that the leaders or the managers at the organisation tend to undermine the employees, in respect to their rank at the organisation. In organisations that there exists wide difference between the mangers and the employees, there tend to develop the aspect of hatred and disrespect to one another; this is because the highly ranked people tend to undermine the lower one and thus initiating them to disrespect them. But in the case where there is a narrow difference between them, the people at the organisation tend to respect each other and can share with anybody freely. This results in high productivity of the organisation as the workers can share what they are going through while at work, the difficulties that they are facing together with the strengths that they think the organisation have to put in place for their production improvements. It also explains the present’s condition that one is in and how it can affect the relationship between people at the organisation. In most of the cases, when one is stressed by whatever stressor whether at the job place or home, the effect tend to affect the relationship with other people (Doyle, 2003) . It has been noted that, a stressed individual prefer to be isolated for the rest of the employees and relates harshly with the rest. CONCLUSION In conclusion, it has come out clearly that the way in which relates at the organisation affects greatly the performance of the organisation and all these depends with the psychology of an individual both from childhood to the present time. Thus the organisation has to ensure that the mental condition of all its workers is at per or attended to in all ways that they can such as providing them with proper conditions at work and good payment to avoid stress at work, to relate with the workers in a friendly way and the keep motivating the workers who have performed well. REFERENCE 1. Gabriel, Y. , Hirschhorn, L. & Allcorn, S. (1996) Organizations in Depth the Psychoanalysis of Organizations pp 245-265 London Sage Publications 2. Arnold, J. , Silvester, J. , Cooper, C. L. & Robertson, I. T. (2005) Work Psychology Understanding Human Behavior in the Workplace 4th Ed Prentice Hall/Financial Times 3. Doyle, C. E. (2003) Work and Organizational Psychology an Introduction with Attitude Psychology Press Sussex 4. Miner, J. B. (2005)Organizational Behavior I Essential Theories of Motivation and Leadership pp 76 M. E. Sharpe Publishers 5. Vibert, C. 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